Environment & Sustainability

Environmental Approval

The Catalina Regional Council has undergone a rigorous environmental assessment through both the State and Federal environmental processes.  Approvals have been obtained under the Environmental Protection Act (WA) and under the Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) to implement the Catalina Project.

As part of environmental offsets, the CRC transferred 91 hectares of land, adjoining the foreshore reserve, to the Western Australian Planning Commission to form part of the Tamala Park Coastal Conservation reserve which will extend from Burns Beach to Mindarie. The Conservation reserve will comprise approximately 450 hectares.

As a condition of the EPBC approval the CRC has acquired offset mitigation areas for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo comprising 420 hectares of foraging habitat and 66 hectares of potential breeding habitat.  These sites are now under the control and management of the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW).

There are a number of conditions and commitments of the EPBC approval which the CRC is progressively implementing. These are detailed in documents contained in the CRC website.

Urban Development Institute of Australia - EnviroDevelopment Certification

The Catalina Project is continuing to promote best development practice in urban development and sustainability.  In 2018 the Catalina Estate was awarded six leaf certification under the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) EnviroDevelopment Program.  The EnviroDevelopment Program recognises excellence in sustainability of urban development projects.

EnviroDevelopment is a rigorous, scientifically-based assessment scheme that independently reviews development projects and awards certification to those that achieve outstanding performance in up to six elements (leaves) - Ecosystems, Waste, Energy, Materials, Water and Community.  It is a significant achievement for the Project and follows extensive and detailed submission by Catalina’s Project Team.  

The six-leaf certification is the highest available under the UDIA EnviroDevelopment Program and is strong recognition of the Catalina Project’s sustainability initiatives and programs.

Sustainability Initiatives

The CRC currently undertakes a number of initiatives to promote sustainability outcomes as part of works undertaken on the Project.  In addition, the CRC offers lot purchasers incentives aimed at sustainability outcomes.   Together these initiatives and purchasers’ incentives target a broad range of areas, including water conservation, waste recycling, housing efficiency and design, flora and fauna enhancement and energy efficiency. 

The CRC implement the following sustainability initiatives:

Fauna Relocation

Prior to undertaking bulk earthworks Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions licensed contractors are used to capture fauna on site and relocate them to approved conservation reserves and National Parks. This program represents best practice fauna relocation and includes small marsupials, reptiles and subterranean fauna. 

Grass Tree and Zamia Palms Relocation

Prior to undertaking bulk earthworks areas, significant specimens of Grass Trees and Zamia Palms are removed and stored for replanting into public open space, street verges and conservation areas within the Project.

Rehabilitation of Biodiversity Conservation Area

The land on the east side of Marmion Avenue, referred to as the Biodiversity Conservation Area (BCA), comprises a conservation reserve of 11.5ha. The BCA provides feeding habitat for the Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo. The CRC has undertaken the rehabilitation which has included conservation fencing, weed management, planting of native species, removal of unauthorised tracks and installation of controlled access tracks. Interpretative signage about the reserve, access and management requirements has also been installed.

Seed Collection

Seed collection is undertaken from bushland within and adjacent to the Project area. These seeds are being stored and being used for on-site re-vegetation and are available to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and other conservation agencies or community groups for re-vegetation in local areas.

Provision of foraging vegetation for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo

Carnaby's black cockatoo, also known as the short-billed black cockatoo, is a large black cockatoo endemic to southwest Australia.  It is listed as an endangered species under the EPBC and listed as protected fauna under the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act.

As part of the environmental mitigation strategies the CRC plants foraging plant species for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo in streetscapes, road reserves and local open space reserves.  At least 50% of all plantings of trees and shrubs in public areas are primary feeding plants for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos.

The majority of the plantings of trees and shrubs in public areas also comprise native vegetation, which will promote low water use and will assist in providing feeding and roosting areas for native fauna.

Housing Design Guidelines

Housing Design Guidelines have been developed for all Catalina Precincts to assist home builders with the design and construction of more efficient and climate responsive housing.  The Design Guidelines are provided to all purchasers and include a number of requirements for purchasers to reduce the consumption and cost of household energy and water, including:

  • Use of high star rated electrical and water using appliances:
  • Installation of solar hot water systems:
  • Use of shade devices that allow northern winter sun to living areas and prevent summer sun access:
  • Passive solar design:
  • Use ventilation for natural cooling in summer:
  • Installation of roof and wall insulation; and
  • Shading devices including awnings and trees.

Landscape works

Landscape works at Catalina also include the following sustainability initiatives:

  • Compliance with EPBC requirements, in particular uses foraging plant species for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo in streetscapes, road reserves and local open space reserves: 
  • Use of locally appropriate water wise plants:
  • Installation of water efficient sub soil irrigation systems:
  • Installation of solar lights in parks:
  • Use of site mulch from trees cleared during earthworks; and
  • Reuse of limestone boulders and logs from on site.

The CRC offers lot purchasers the following incentives aimed at sustainability outcomes:

Solar Panel Rebate*

A $2,000 per lot Solar Panel Rebate is offered subject to purchasers installing a solar system in accordance with prescribed specifications and time frames. An additional $1,000 is offered for solar systems that include a battery.

Waterwise Landscape Packages*

Waterwise Landscape Packages are provided to homebuilders to assist Catalina’s water conservation and promote locally appropriate plant species.

The Waterwise Landscape Package applies to the front of the lot and typically includes waterwise native vegetation, automated waterwise irrigation system (including a rain sensor), soil preparation (including additives to enhance moisture retention abilities) and subsurface irrigation of garden beds to reduce water loss.

Fibre Optic Service

The Project has NBN fibre optic services.  Access to the NBN network provides sustainability benefits such as opportunities for flexible work arrangements and entertainment options at home, reduced travel demand and support for small business.

Water Saving Fixtures, Fittings and Appliances (WELS)*

A $1,000 rebate is offered to homebuilders in Catalina Beach who install high rated WELS fixtures, fittings and appliances.  The initiative is intended to promote water conservation and cost savings to homeowners.

  • Note: These incentives are subject to purchaser complying with conditions.


Side and rear boundary fencing is provided for all residential lots.


Landscaping of the front of all residential lots is also provided.